In this feature I’ve tried to at least touch upon the more controversial “holes” in the Academy Awards categories. We’ve discussed the technical brilliance of ...
I always try to convince my girlfriend to watch kung fu movies by saying “It’s just like So, You Think You Can Dance!”. It almost never works, but I want to mak...
Mark my words, this will be the least testosterone-fueled of all the columns on this esteemed website. Don’t stop reading just yet, though! I promise (hopeful...
In our second installment of Action at the Oscars, we’re going to attempt to do justice to the age-old question: “Why in the world don’t stunt performers get Ac...
Zak has been an avid movie fan since his mom made him cover his eyes before the “icicle stabbing” when they rented Die Hard 2 in 2nd Grade. As a consolation, in 6th grade he got straight A’s so she gave him the entire Die Hard trilogy on VHS. The rest is history.