The third installment of the Ant-Man franchise is first film to kick off Phase Five of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Though the films have maintained a somewh...
For the most part, the movies from Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have been a train wreck. Thus far, Spider-Man: No Way Home reigns supreme by a l...
In terms of the big screen, 2021 has seen the well-oiled machine of the Marvel Cinematic Universe breaking down. Of the three films released this year under th...
In April Douglas Coleman took the time to interview me, Action A Go Go's fearless leader in regards to my novels, Knuckle Crack Bone and The Vicious Game. It w...
Road Tunes Reviews and I have been expanding our soundtrack and movie palettes for some time now. We've been branching away from grounded and serious dramas and...
In a world celebrating the heroes of action movies, one man sought to track down the villains who made them look so good and discover the secrets of playing a m...
Extended uncensored art preview for THE RAID #1, an all-new comic series based on the popular martial-arts blockbuster, written by Ollie Masters and Alex Paknadel!