With the sudden news of Destination America picking up ROH Wrestling as a lead-in for TNA Impact Wrestling on Wednesday Nights beginning June 3rd, what does this mean for the future of Impact Wrestling and their relationship with Destination America?
The DomiNate Wrestling Fancast – Episode 35 – Destination Cancellation (5/22/15)
Hosts: Domi Simpson & Nate Sherman
We discuss the sudden news of Dest...
The DomiNate Wrestling Fancast – Episode 33 – Lucha's Rise from Underground (5/11/15)
By Domi Simpson & Nate Sherman
We revisit the hallowed grounds o...
Give a resounding "this is awesome" to Nate and Domi, the host and hostess of The Dominate Wrestling Fancast. "Team Dominate" are the newest additions to the Ac...