JAPANESE GHOSTBUSTERS TRAILER REVEALS THAT STAY PUFT…AIN’T STAY PUFT Troy-Jeffrey AllenJune 8, 2016 Sony Japan unleashes a new Ghostbusters trailer Movies0 Comments45 views
These Japanese AGE OF ULTRON Posters Are Very Affectionate… Troy-Jeffrey AllenJune 15, 2015 Meanwhile in Japan... ComicsMovies0 Comments110 views
Netflixing Under The Influence: YAKUZA WEAPON Has A Gun Made Out Of “Nude Woman.” (#ChooseYourWeapon) ZakFebruary 5, 2015 A dramatic journey through the dreck we all know and love. Written By Zak Attack Why Did I Watch This? It's #ChooseYourWeapon month this February at Action A... Movies0 Comments3489 views