The third installment of the Ant-Man franchise is first film to kick off Phase Five of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Though the films have maintained a somewh...
For the most part, the movies from Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have been a train wreck. Thus far, Spider-Man: No Way Home reigns supreme by a l...
In terms of the big screen, 2021 has seen the well-oiled machine of the Marvel Cinematic Universe breaking down. Of the three films released this year under th...
I’ve been looking forward to this for the past year. Not just because I’m an Eternals fan, but also because I believed that the debut of this particular group ...
Today marks a brand new day at ACTION A GO GO.
We are producing a new series of videos, and we have begun with Big Trouble In Little China, and the latest ...
Stallone and Arnold. Arnold and Stallone. What does any true ACTION A GO GO reader need to be told about these icons? Careers spanning decades in the most cutt...
In April Douglas Coleman took the time to interview me, Action A Go Go's fearless leader in regards to my novels, Knuckle Crack Bone and The Vicious Game. It w...
In the wake of his passing last October, the true life story of MF DOOM (real name: Daniel Dumile) has been the topic of many articles and blogs online. Howeve...
At ACTION A GO GO, we love highlighting cool, original, and above all hardcore things. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!
I want to start this article by saying that I love the Fast & Furious movies. The first one hit when I was in High School, literally the perfect time to wa...
I'm going to level with you here. In this post Covid-19 world having the time, or chance, to jabber jaw about my favorite superheroes has been a challenge. As ...
Every once in a while you just discover something so pure, so rapturous, that it must not be real. I mean, where on earth can you find a Playboy Bunny go up ag...