RUTH HAS THE CURE FOR @$$HOLES: SOME OF THE OLD ULTRAVIOLENCE Troy-Jeffrey AllenFebruary 9, 2017 The Sundance hit, I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore, comes to Netflix. Movies0 Comments23 views
2 CLIPS AND A MUSIC VIDEO FOR ‘THE LAST WITCH HUNTER’ Troy-Jeffrey AllenOctober 23, 2015 In theaters today! Movies0 Comments20 views
NEW TRAILER: ‘THE LAST WITCH HUNTER’ Troy-Jeffrey AllenSeptember 17, 2015 Vin Diesel paints it black! Movies0 Comments17 views
Trailer: COOTIES Brings Zombies To The Playground Troy-Jeffrey AllenAugust 13, 2015 Elijah Wood can't stop the COOTIES. Movies0 Comments11 views
New Trailer: THE LAST WITCH HUNTER Troy-Jeffrey AllenAugust 7, 2015 The new "live forever" trailer to Vin Diesel's THE LAST WITCH HUNTER. Movies0 Comments10 views
DEBATABLE – Episode 83 – Sticking Up for the Little Guy with Lexi Alexander Greg SahadachnyAugust 12, 2014 LEXI ALEXANDER, Oscar-nominated director best known for “Green Street Hooligans” and cult classic “Punisher: War Zone,” joins me to talk about her journey to be... MoviesPodcastTV0 Comments94 views