Why Did I Watch ‘At the Earth’s Core?’: Starring Psychic, Exploding Dinosaurs ZakSeptember 3, 2014 Written By Zak Attack A dramatic journey through the dreck we all know and love Why Did I Watch This? Another American International Pictures... Movies0 Comments345 views
Why Did I Watch ‘Helldriver?’ – Because It’s Freakin’ INSANE! ZakAugust 13, 2014 Written By Zak Attack A dramatic journey through the dreck we all know and love Why Did I Watch This? I think there is a time in every b-movi... Movies0 Comments197 views
Why Did I Watch ‘The X from Outer Space?’ If Godzilla Was A Space Chicken… ZakMay 21, 2014 Written By Zak Attack A dramatic journey through the dreck we all know and love. Why Did I Watch This? In anticipation of last weekend’s Godz... Movies0 Comments140 views