In 1985, the first Back To The Future movie was released. Starring Michael J. Fox as cool high school kid, Marty McFly and Christopher Lloyd as the lovable eccentric inventor, Doc Brown, the series led to an epic and long beloved trilogy that would gather a massive fan base over its 30 years.

For the next few weeks, we will look at the Back To The Future trilogy with a countdown of the ten best scenes from each of the three movies, 30 scenes for 30 years. And just for fun, we’re going to start at the last chapter and bring it all the way back to the original.

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Now we all know how popular the first movie is. We even know that there are many people who prefer the second movie, but my personal favorite has always been Back To The Future Part III. Executing a third movie would always be a challenge, but in a series like this, it had to have been a nightmare (and filming it back-to-back with ‘Part II’ was almost insanity).

They’ve been to the past, they’ve been to the future, an alternate timeline…so where could Marty and Doc go next? Answer: Even further back  — beyond the point where both of their lives had started– back to where both would be considered strangers, and back to where they would both be in great danger…The Wild West.


With the first two movies, it always felt like Marty was the one who needed saving and the Doc was there to help, but with the third outing, Doc needed to be saved by Marty. At the end of Part II, Doc went back to 1885 but was unable to return. So Marty, with 1955 Doc, repairs the Delorean and travels back to rescue his best friend and save him from being shot dead by a ruthless Wild West killer (A relative of his future nemisis Biff Tannen). Along their journey through the Old West, Marty meets his Irish great-great grandparents, Doc falls in love with a school teacher whose life he saved, and the new trio take on a dangerous train ride back to 1985.


Back To The Future Part III was less successful at the box office than the last two movies, a lot less well-received, and even more overlooked than Part II, but for me, it’s such a wild, manic and very exciting adventure. The humour is fantastic (Marty assuming the name and manner of Clint Eastwood is a highlight), the train finale is a knockout, and Michael J. Fox and Chrstopher Lloyd yet again prove themselves to be one of the greatest duos in movie history — bouncing off each other brilliantly. Just the perfect end to a perfect trilogy.

10 – “You think I’m stupid enough to race that a**hole?”

9 – Bear vs. Marty

8 – Saving Clara

7 – Moonwalk

6 – “Time’s up, runt!”

5 – Doc saves Marty

4 – “See you in the future!”

3 – Wake-up juice

2 – “Your future is whatever you make it!”

1 – Train ride

If you have any fun facts, thoughts on scenes or just some good old memories of the movies, please share them with us in the comment boxes.

And don’t forget to celebrate Back To The Future Day at your local comic shop.

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Paul Berney is an Irish man with a great love for movies, pandas and staring at the moon.