Returning to Santa Monica and Beverly Hills this April, The Artemis Women In Action Film Festival is a crowd-funded event dedicated to the amazing women who give their literal blood, sweat, and tears to the action genre. Actually, they don’t “tear”. These heroines of the silver screen are here to entertain the masses, and it’s always an honor to showcase their work.
More after the video.
As of this posting, Artemis’ Indie Go Go is down to its last 5 days. The list of honorees already includes the likes of Cynthia Rothrock, Nichelle Nichols, Gina Carano, and Tom Cruise. With over 15 tiers ranging from affordable to red carpet treatment, you’re running out of excuse to not support this and hop on a plane to California this April to attend.
If you’re really about women in action then you can find out more about The Artemis Women In Action Film Festival by clicking HERE.
Source: Artemis on Twitter