HELLBOY DESTINED TO MAKE SOME NOISE AS HE HEADS ‘INTO THE SILENT SEA’ Troy-Jeffrey AllenAugust 10, 2016 Coming 2017... Comics0 Comments78 views
THE VIBRANT, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL WORLD OF GUILLERMO DEL TORO Troy-Jeffrey AllenMay 2, 2016 If you love Guillermo Del Toro then this supercut is for you. Movies0 Comments1268 views
INTERVIEW: SATAN NINJA 198X’S JESSICA SAFRON DELIVERS SOME 80S POWERED AWESOME Derek ScarzellaFebruary 22, 2016 Profanity? Boobs? Satan? Sign me up! BooksCulture0 Comments434 views
5 REASONS YOU SHOULD GIVE A F@*& ABOUT GUILLERMO NAVARRO Troy-Jeffrey AllenJanuary 25, 2016 Recognizing the work of the people that have greatly contributed to our beloved genre. Movies0 Comments227 views
VIEWFINDER: “The Hobbit”, CGI and “Realistic” VFX Andrew AllenDecember 6, 2013 Over the past few years a debate has slowly, but steadily been growing amongst the filmmaking and film-enthusiast communities: in this age of slick CGI, how muc... Movies2 Comments451 views