YOU SHOULD BE READING VALIANT COMICS’ ‘BRITANNIA’ Troy-Jeffrey AllenApril 5, 2017 Not surprisingly, Juan Jose Ryp and Peter Milligan's Britannia mini-series ended up being one of 2017's most enjoyable reads. I say "not surprisingly" because M... Comics0 Comments72 views
REVIEW: FRANK MILLER’S ROBOCOP OMNIBUS SHOWS US THE SEQUEL THAT COULD’VE BEEN Greg SahadachnyDecember 20, 2016 Do Frank Miller's unproduced screenplays serve as inspiring comic source material or did they need a few more rewrites? ComicsMovies0 Comments482 views
TAKE A LOOK INSIDE FRANK MILLER’S ABSOLUTELY BAD ASS ‘ROBOCOP OMNIBUS’ Troy-Jeffrey AllenDecember 9, 2016 Artist Juan Jose Ryp adapts Miller's original ROBOCOP 2 script Comics0 Comments74 views
FIRST LOOK: MURDER, MYTH, AND BLOODY MAYHEM AWAITS IN ‘BRITANNIA’ #2 Troy-Jeffrey AllenAugust 3, 2016 Far beyond the gates of Rome, the world’s first detective descends into the Pagan frontier! Comics0 Comments99 views
‘BRITANNIA’: A JOURNEY THROUGH TEMPTATION AND BLOODSHED WITH THE WORLD’S FIRST DETECTIVE Troy-Jeffrey AllenJuly 14, 2016 Peter Milligan and Juan Jose Ryp push “THE FUTURE OF VALIANT” beyond Rome's farthest borders. Comics0 Comments8 views