LAUNCH TRAILER: THE ‘DEUS EX MANKIND DIVIDED’ TRAILER IS HERE! Troy-Jeffrey AllenAugust 18, 2016 #Can'tKillProgress Games0 Comments8 views
SIX GLORIOUS MINUTES OF ‘DEUS EX MANKIND DIVIDED’ Troy-Jeffrey AllenMay 4, 2016 Developer: Eidos Montreal Publisher: Square Enix Genre: Action role-playing, first-person shooter, stealth Release date: August 23, 2016 Platforms:... Games0 Comments41 views
THE SEASON PREMIERE OF ‘HITMAN’ BEGINS Troy-Jeffrey AllenMarch 11, 2016 Check out the trailer to season 1 of the newest Hitman! Games0 Comments12 views
HEADS UP: THE HITMAN BETA IS DROPPING FEBRUARY 12TH Troy-Jeffrey AllenFebruary 9, 2016 For Playstation users, that is... Games0 Comments23 views
NEW ‘HITMAN’ TRAILER MAKES FULL USE OF BEAUTIFUL ITALY Troy-Jeffrey AllenOctober 29, 2015 "Enjoy your visit." Games0 Comments18 views