Animazement 2015 Cosplay: Visual Candy For The Nerd In You Tabatha LeStrangeJune 17, 2015 So good you can almost taste it. Uncategorized1 Comment106 views
8.2 Of The Best METAL Covers Of Not-METAL Songs Derek ScarzellaJune 8, 2015 Not-Metal never sounded so $%#@ing METAL!! Movies0 Comments263 views
Batdad, The Dad We Deserve Tabatha LeStrangeMay 29, 2015 Dunununununununuh BATDAAAAD! Uncategorized0 Comments3418 views
5 Reasons Why This Would Be Written in Runes If VIKINGS Had METAL! Derek ScarzellaMay 26, 2015 Too much $#@%ing METAL!!! Movies0 Comments124 views