Kasra Farahani’s concept art for Bioshock is gorgeous. Too bad the studio and Gore Verbinski couldn’t agree on how to make the film.
By Andrew Allen
On one level, I am sad that I won’t get to see that concept art come to fruition onscreen. On another level, I am resolutely of the opinion that Bioshock shouldn’t be adapted as a film. It is a great victory of video game storytelling. It’s an awesome narrative that deserved to be experienced in the format it was created for…video games. Certain game series would be better off having movie adaptations. Bioshock is, in my opinion, video gaming’ masterpiece. It doesn’t need a movie anymore than Citizen Kane needed a novel.
You can see the rest of Farahani’s Bioshock work on her site: zafron.com
Source: Geek Tyrant | Andrew on Twitter | Action A Go Go on Twitter and Instagram |Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section!
Andrew Allen is a television and film writer for Action A Go Go. He is an aspiring screenwriter and director who is currently studying at the University of Miami. You can check him out on Tumblr @andrewballen and follow him on Twitter @A_B_Allen.