James Cameron is a masterful creator of blockbusters, there is few who would deny this. And though he has only released one film in the past eighteen years, Cameron’s legacy and ongoing career are still a deeply felt presence in the cinema of today.

A fellow named Martin Kessler has recently released a fascinating video over on Vimeo which intercuts footage from films all across Cameron’s filmography together, highlighting the director’s unique set of themes, aesthetic and visual language. On top of this, the video, titled “James Cameron – Cinema of Flesh and Metal” also highlights the director’s emotional range. He’s a big-time director with sweeping, grandiose big-budget ambition, but he also possesses a pointed ability to evoke powerful emotions in his films. It’s this ability to encompass a wide range of feeling and depth in his movies that makes Cameron such a great filmmaker, and few studies of his artistry highlight this quite as well as “Flesh and Metal”.

Check out Kessler’s video and feel inspired to take another tour through Cameron’s spectacular filmography.

Source: Vimeo | Andrew on Twitter | Action A Go Go on Twitter and Instagram |Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section!

Andrew Allen is a television and film writer for Action A Go Go. He is an aspiring screenwriter and director who is currently studying at the University of Miami. You can check him out on Tumblr @andrewballen and follow him on Twitter @A_B_Allen.