This year saw the release of two sequels coming decades after their originators. One was small-scale and focused more on character relationships and a banging s...
Yo Brommando!
Blade Runner 2049 is out and has predictably not done that well at the box office. However, neither did the original, making a little over $33 ...
"If you have two X chromosomes, or know and like someone who does, “Blade Runner 2049” may not be the movie for you." the New York Post states in their review o...
Yo brommando!
Blade Runner 2049 hits theaters in two weeks and recently we got a new trailer (featuring Dave Bautista) to get us hyped!
I'll admit that I'm a bit torn on this upcoming BLADE RUNNER sequel. It's directed by Dennis Villeneuve, the man behind SICARIO (which was great!) and THE ARRIV...