A VISUAL TRIBUTE TO COMIC ARTIST STEVE DILLON Derek ScarzellaOctober 24, 2016 Whenever a great entertainer dies it comes with that particular twist that you'll never be able to experience their great "art" again and all we'll be able to d... BooksCultureMoviesTV0 Comments1376 views
THE END IS NIGH: CATCH UP ON ‘PREACHER’ IN TIME FOR THE SEASON FINALE Troy-Jeffrey AllenJuly 13, 2016 Catch up on “Preacher” in two minutes. Movies0 Comments27 views
WATCH THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES OF ‘PREACHER’…RIGHT…NOW! Troy-Jeffrey AllenMay 17, 2016 AMC delivers a preview ahead of the world premiere. ComicsCultureTV0 Comments66 views
NEW ‘PREACHER’ TRAILER WELCOMES YOU TO ANNVILLE Troy-Jeffrey AllenMay 16, 2016 Coming to AMC May 22nd. TV0 Comments31 views
AMC RELEASE “BURNING ROAD” FOR PREACHER Derek ScarzellaApril 14, 2016 Get ready for some controversy! BooksTV0 Comments31 views
THE PREACHER TEASER HAS DROPPED Derek ScarzellaApril 3, 2016 This is going to be fun ... BooksMovies0 Comments108 views
NEW ‘PREACHER’ FEATURETTE GOES BEHIND THE SCENES Troy-Jeffrey AllenMarch 24, 2016 Go behind the scenes of AMC's newest comic adaptation. TV0 Comments12 views
WE’VE GOT NEW PHOTOS FROM AMC’S UPCOMING ‘PREACHER’ ADAPTATION Troy-Jeffrey AllenMarch 9, 2016 Garth Ennis and steve Dillon's Vertigo classic comes to the small screen. TV0 Comments38 views
INTERVIEW: SATAN NINJA 198X’S JESSICA SAFRON DELIVERS SOME 80S POWERED AWESOME Derek ScarzellaFebruary 22, 2016 Profanity? Boobs? Satan? Sign me up! BooksCulture0 Comments432 views
TRAILER: ARE TV AUDIENCES READY FOR GARTH ENNIS’ ‘PREACHER’? Troy-Jeffrey AllenNovember 2, 2015 One of DC Comics' rawest series is coming to AMC. TV0 Comments49 views