WILD TIME, a new short film based on the Ghost Recon Wildlands game, is the kind of showpiece every upcoming filmmaker would love to have in their reel.
Despite the low-budgeted, the film is endorsed by Ubisoft and it isn’t hard to see why. The fight choreography, the acting, the writing, etc… the kind of aesthetics, which separate most well-made shorts from the ones you share to your social media page, are actually quite good here.
Better yet. They’re enjoyable.
WILD TIME employs two rules especially well and they are: 1) have fun, and 2) why not. Too simple? Seriously, how many big-budget films do you see in theaters anymore that would have greatly benefited from this approach?
Does WILD TIME have a sequence where an agent must eliminate “white hat” only to discover that this is Bolivia and every drug dealer worth his kilo is sporting a big white stetson? Sure it does. It’s having fun.
Does WILD TIME include a wide range of firearms, protagonists who can stack bodies in piles, and one lady capo who’s there to look sexy? Of course it does! Why not?
You can get a load of the action below and let us know what you think in the comments. WILD TIME is a Fury Fingers Film and was shot in Adelaide, Australia. Consider showing some love by subscribing to the Fury Fingers Youtube channel or following them @FuryFingers on Twitter.