By Greg Sahadachny
The hilarious team over at Fury Fingers captured one of the most memorable aspects of Naughty Dog’s excellent zombie survival/action title The Last of Us: item crafting.
TLoU remains one of my favorite video games of all time, and this video pays great fan service while taking this trope to ridiculous extremes. One can easily tell the filmmakers are big fans, so you’re in trusted hands too. They get the on-screen HUD and GUI right, they get the look of items and weapons spot-on, the make-up FX are great, and best of all for a piece of comedy, it is short and does not wear out its welcome.
We at AAGG loved this! CHECK IT OUT!
Source: Fury Fingers | Greg on Facebook | Action A Go Go on Twitter and Instagram |Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section!
Greg Sahadachny is the host of the Debatable Podcast, a show exploring guests’ obsessions & passions, in and outside of media & pop culture.