The Holidays are a magical time, and nothing is quite as magical as this throwaway trailer from the 1980’s classic SCROOGED.
The trailer is a pure bit of fun from legendary director Richard Donner, who was at the apex of his career. Lethal Weapon came out the year
SCROOGED is a special movie for me, as it’s something of a tradition for me to watch with my Grandfather, who passed away last year, and was one of the first comedies that really opened my eyes to how self-aware movies can be. Particularly when the movie ends (spoiler) and Bill Murray leads the “real” audience through a song. While this was weird to watch on cable tv it was a charming, uplifting end to a movie that did it’s best to pull at your heartstrings.
THE NIGHT THE REINDEER DIED is the opening of the movie and lays the theme of the movie out right way. The over commercialization of Christmas is ridiculous and just makes us forget what it’s all about in the first place.
Having said that, this movie sure looks like it would have been a helluva lot of fun!
Enjoy, and please share your favorite holiday movie moments in the comments!