THE VALIANT UNIVERSE IS NO MORE! LONG LIVE…STALIN?! Troy-Jeffrey AllenSeptember 20, 2016 Only the Stalinverse remains! Comics0 Comments44 views
TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE WITH VALIANT’S ‘SAVAGE’ Troy-Jeffrey AllenAugust 16, 2016 This fall, a new Valiant hero will be born…into a world where survival is all that counts! Comics0 Comments35 views
FIRST LOOK: MURDER, MYTH, AND BLOODY MAYHEM AWAITS IN ‘BRITANNIA’ #2 Troy-Jeffrey AllenAugust 3, 2016 Far beyond the gates of Rome, the world’s first detective descends into the Pagan frontier! Comics0 Comments99 views
‘BRITANNIA’: A JOURNEY THROUGH TEMPTATION AND BLOODSHED WITH THE WORLD’S FIRST DETECTIVE Troy-Jeffrey AllenJuly 14, 2016 Peter Milligan and Juan Jose Ryp push “THE FUTURE OF VALIANT” beyond Rome's farthest borders. Comics0 Comments8 views
WITNESS: GIORELLO’S GORGEOUS PENCILS FOR THE UPCOMING ‘WOLF MOTHER’! Troy-Jeffrey AllenJuly 12, 2016 Valiant delivers a first look inside 4001 A.D.: WAR MOTHER #1 Comics0 Comments84 views