Let’s be honest: Most comic book characters are ridiculous at best. Batman? Pah-leeze. Wolverine? Isn’t that a badger or something? Like, seriously?
Sure, it’s all quite funny when you take a step back and think about. Then you put characters like that into the hands of a great artist and they are able to extract new perspective from you that you’ve never before seen. You experience new emotions and see new aspects of the character you never even knew were there.
That’s the first thing that came to mind when I first saw the art of Menton J. Matthews III (or “Menton3”). He’s an American artist who has made the rounds doing various work on comics such as Silent Hill, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Aliens. He’s also an accomplished musician who can play the cello, violin, drums, guitar, and various other instruments.
His images are at once sublime and terrifying and it’s clear he is one of those artists that has “embraced the darkness” and come out the other side with beautiful things to show us.
I mentioned comic book characters previously, and below is a selection of characters he’s worked on. There are other characters here you may recognize and some you may not. Regardless, they are pretty in a very satanic way, and I for one am going to try and catch up on his original comic, Monocyte, and whatever stunning art he is working on.
Without further wait, please enjoy the work of Menton3! Additional resources and artist interviews available after the break!
All Artwork above and more can be viewed at Menton3’s deviant art page, which can be found here. You can also check out his website, http://menton3.com/ for more info, videos on the artist, and art for sale.
Posted by Derek Scarzella
Derek Scarzella is a lone wolf running through the night with a heart full of dynamite and a limitless passion for Action movies and all things awesome. ‘Nuff said
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