The Force Awakens wasn’t the only trailer unveiled at Star Wars Celebration.
By Andrew Allen
So, as can be expected, the teaser trailer for Gareth Edwards’ new Star Wars Anthology film Rogue One has leaked onto the Internet after being screened at Celebration Anaheim today. Suffice to say it’s a beautiful tease, one that showcases what I’ve been dying to see in a Star Wars movie for a long time: committed change in tone. Throughout Star Wars history the series has been pretty confined to a set feeling and style (the prequels offered a much needed deviation in tone and aesthetic, but still only slightly) but now with the three new Anthology entries hitting theaters over the next seven years we have a real chance to see something really and truly fresh come to fruition in the Star Wars sphere. Rogue One appears to be taking it’s cues from war films such as Black Hawk Down and Saving Private Ryan, an intense, gritty approach to the universe. Personally, I’m even more excited by this teaser than I was by the cute but frustratingly fan-servicey sensibility of The Force Awakens trailer.
Check out the new trailer below and sound off in the comments section or give us a holler on Twitter.
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Andrew Allen is a television and film writer for Action A Go Go. He is an aspiring screenwriter and director who is currently studying at the University of Miami. You can check him out on Tumblr @andrewballen and follow him on Twitter @A_B_Allen.