By Chris Campbell
After almost two decades, the 1980s classic shonen series that became a household name in the 90s, Dragon Ball Z, returns to blast foes and break bones the only way a fighting anime series knows how.
America’s favorite equivalent to Superman has returned with another movie called Resurrection F, hinting at the re-emergence of Frieza. For those unfamiliar with DBZ, Frieza is the Darkseid to Goku’s Superman, but with deeper ties. Frieza blew up Goku’s home planet and killed his father Bardock along with the rest of the Saiyan race. This latest movie brings the most virulent villain of the series back with a vengeance and new skills.
Creator Akira Toriyama adds this latest movie chapter to the official canon after Battle of Gods was a rousing success in Japan and abroad. Resurrection F has made $44.8 million in Japan and has an upcoming limited run in the United States in August.
Check out for further details and enjoy the trailer below!
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