Last year was an incredible year for cosplay everywhere. I remember a time when it wasn’t on the scale it’s on now. As it gains popularity, more and more people are putting together costumes worthy of competition. We are seeing so many creative ways of using an array of materials to bring characters to life. More people are using special FX makeup to perfect their resemblance. Pair these techniques with what we have available to us now by way of photo editing software, one can even create a real world element to their character while maintaining a fantasy/ sci-fi feel. We’re even seeing a rise in numbers of people who use their cosplay for a cause. Visiting children’s hospitals, raising money for charities. It truly is incredible what we can do today with cosplay.
There was no shortage of impressive costumes across the globe. From the uncanny resemblance, cute, massive and original, Action A Go Go has found the best representations of your favorite movie, video game, television, cartoon, comic book and real life characters. Let’s take a look back at the best cosplays of 2015.
Night Crawler
Marvel’s X-Men
Cosplayer: Mrdustinn
Photo: Big White Bazooka Photography
Mario’s eternal nemesis, only prettier.
New York Comic Con
Photo source: Facebook
The Legend of Zelda
New York Comic Con
Photo source: Facebook
The Scarecrow
One of Batman’s numerous enemies.
New York Comic Con
Photo source: Facebook
Conan the Barbarian
With an uncanny resemblance to the Arnold.
New York Comic Con
Photo source: Facebook
Ahsoka Tano
Clone Wars
New york Comic Con
Photo source: nerdyrottenscoundrel
Ant Man
MCM London
Photo: Michael Buck
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Business Insider
Arkham Knight
By: Crimson Coscrafts
Photo: Lucas Ambrosio
Space Balls
New York Comic Con
Photo source: anibundel
This is one intimidating bat.
Photo: Kamil Krawczak
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Business Insider
Chewbacca’s Angels
Originals are appreciated too!
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Business Insider
MCM London
Photo source: Fashinably Geek
The Walking Dead
Walker Stalker Convention
Photo source: moviepilot
Blood Elf
World of Warcraft
Cosplayer: Narga Lifestream
Photo: Key Dou
Cultist Acolyte from Darkest Dungeon
Even common characters in video games are cosplay worthy.
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: IGN
The most uncanny look-alike of Heath Ledger’s version from the The Dark Knight
Cosplayer: Jesse Oliva
Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead
Another great look-alike.
Photo source: worldofoddballs
Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation
Again with being spot on.
Sand Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Wired
Crusader from Diablo
Another common character, just showing off that killer Doom Armor.
Photo source: Inquisitr
Dino Super Charge Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Plus One.
Sand Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Business Insider
Coma Doof Warrior
Mad Max Fury Road
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: IGN
Dr. Frank N Furter
Rocky Horror Picture Show
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Gizmodo
Dragoon from Final Fantasy 14
By Layton Props.
Photo source: Kotaku
Draugrs from Elder Scrolls
By: Punished Props
Pax Prime
Photo: Martin Wong
Edward Scissor Hands
Johnny Depp would be proud.
New York Comic Con
Photo source: techinsider
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Rotten Tomatoes
George Lucas
Movie Director
San Diego Comic Con
Photo Source: Business Insider
Disney’s Hercules
Sand Diego Comic Con
Photo Source: Business Insider
Handsome Jack
By: Mary & Feinobi Cosplay
Sand Diego Comic Con
Photo: So Say We All
Wizard World
Photo Source: techinsider
Hulk Buster
New York Comic Con
Photo Source: Business Insider
League of Legends
By: Mie-Rose Cosplay
Kamen Rider Bravo
Kamen Rider
Photo Source: Kotaku
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Photo source: Otaku
Laura Croft
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Cosplayer: Jenn Croft
Photo: Martin Wong
Mass Effect
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: IGN
League of Legends
Photo source: anibundel
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
San Diego Comic Con
Photo Source: Business Insider
Sand Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Business Insider
Michael Jackson
Sand Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Business Insider
Wonder Woman
Photo source: imgur
Optimus Prime
There’s always an Optimus Prime – Transformers
Sand Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Business Insider
Paul Stanley from Kiss
No, this is not the real Paul Stanley
Sand Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Rotten Tomatoes
(From left to right) Prince Vultan, Princess Aura and Ming the Merciless
Flash Gordon
New York Comic Con
Photo source: anibundel
Heroes Con
Photo source: blogspot
Psycho Kreig
Borderlands 2
Cosplayer: Leon Chiro
Photo: DomSecher
William Berkin – 2nd form
Resident Evil 2
Comiket Japan
Photo source: kotaku
Rocket Raccoon
Sand Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Tumblr
Photo source: anibundel
Captain Spock
This is not Lenard McCoy
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Wired
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: IGN
(From left to right) Abraham, Rosita Michonne with zombies, Glenn and Rick
The Walking Dead
Walker Stalker Convention
Photo source: moviepilot
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The cutest in the world!
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Business Insider
Rise of the Guardians
MCM London
Photo source: demotix
American Horror Story Season 4
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Rotten Tomatoes
Tokyo Game Show
Photo source: imgur
Unique and alien-esque
San Diego Comic Con
Photo source: Business Insider
New York Comic Con
Photo source: Business Insider
Zombie Storm Trooper
Mega Con
Photo source: moviepilot
Family Guy
New York Comic Con
Photo source:
Do you have a favorite? Let us know in the comments! Cheers to you all and another wonderful year of cosplay!