Note: This piece is born from a frustration with being told by a lot of people today that I’m not a gay male. I’m just some fake being used by 4chan. If it se...
Hm. Me thinks someone at Bungie saw Guardians of the Galaxy maybe.
Fun fact: The trailer features the voice of Peter Dinklage of Game of Thrones and is direc...
Pierce Brosnan is quite possibly my favorite James Bond. So I won't hold it against him that he sucks at Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64.
Jimmy Fallon, on t...
Even as I wrote that headline I was slightly disgusted by it.
VIA The creative geniuses at CinefX
Troy-Jeffrey Allen writes...
Anybody whose been playing video games since the mid 90's, or perhaps even seen the occasional commercial, is probably familiar with the voice of Super Mario. P...
Why let a bunch starlets clog up our Wednesday when we could talk about something much more VIDEO GAMES!
So we're bringing Wallpaper Wedne...
From the folks who brought you the first Halo comes Destiny. Quite possibly the most highly-anticipated game of this "next gen war."
What do you think, world...
I'd be a horrible self-promoter if I didn't point out that the above art is by Jay Payne, the artist behind the upcoming webcomic Bamn.
Street Fighter: Ass...
Last month, Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes was released, marking 25 years of Metal Gear Solid excellence. One of my absolute favorite titles of all time.
Okay, so you might be expecting a throwback from the movies or video games, but it actually doesn't go back that far. While the characters do, this throwback ...
Couple more hours left in your workday? Need a pick me up? Try an epic rap battle between Master Chief (of XBox's Halo fame) and Leonidas, the Spartan from the ...