A few days ago, we put you onto Wesley Snipes’ upcoming sci-fi thriller THE RECALL. What we neglected to mention is that the movie comes with an added feature that goes beyond your typical movie-going experience. It’s  called Barco Escape, a panaoramic, multi-screen format that puts the viewer in the film.

Seeing how I’m no expert, I’ll let this nifty trailer explain for me. Check this out…

Originally released with 2014’s THE MAZE RUNNER, the Barco Escape treatment is now moving on to Wesley Snipes’ upcoming THE RECALL. This alien abduction/invasion flick seems perfectly suited for the technology. Take a look…

The panoramic version of THE RECALL hits Barco Escape friendly theaters on June 2nd. Expect a wide release in regular ol’ 2D on June 16th.

Source: The Recall Movie