It's the multi-talented action star/martial artist/chemical engineer's birthday today. We at Action A Go Go wish him the best and continued success making ...
Bloody Disgusting has the first 4 minutes of the premiere episode of the long-awaited (over 2 decades now!) "Ash Vs. Evil Dead." It's exciting, wild, and most ...
A dramatic journey through the dreck we all know and love.
Written By Zak Attack
To celebrate the upcoming release of Terminator: Genisys on July 1st, Net...
Written By Zak Attack
The theory behind this entire franchise face-off has been the parallel action of the sequels. The jump from relatively understated genre...
Written By Zak Attack
Now this is where the action franchises really go off the rails in the best way possible. Last time we discussed the original more groun...
Zak has been an avid movie fan since his mom made him cover his eyes before the “icicle stabbing” when they rented Die Hard 2 in 2nd Grade. As a consolation, in 6th grade he got straight A’s so she gave him the entire Die Hard trilogy on VHS. The rest is history.