For the most part, the movies from Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have been a train wreck. Thus far, Spider-Man: No Way Home reigns supreme by a l...
DEBATABLE 134 - Marvelous Mayhem with Stuntwoman Jénel Stevens
JENEL STEVENS joins me on the show to talk about her journey as a stuntwoman. She has been inv...
Marvel Studios’ “Phase 3” has been all about the secrets and lies of the past inconveniently bubbling back up. It started with 2016’s Captain America: Civil War...
I'm not going to say much. Nothing I can say can possibly capture the opulence, the decadence, the pure majesty of this film, Black Panther. Ryan Coogler -- t...
UPDATE: Someone was kind enough to post the full video of that Thanos clip from yesterday's event. It's a short one but still...pretty cool.
Original article...