Apparently, you can’t listen to this on a smart device (something to do with the permissions of the uploader). Regardless, if you want to enjoy the orchesral efforts of composer Tyler Bates (Watchmen, 300) then you can pull this up on your browser of choice and take a listen.
Also, for those of you who prefer Star Lord’s “Awesome Mix,” you can hear the pop version of the Guardians soundtrack HERE.
Troy-Jeffrey Allen writes about action/adventure for Action A Go Go. He is a comic book writer whose works include, The Magic Bullet, Dr. Dremo’s Taphouse of Tall Tales, and the Harvey Award nominated District Comics. In addition, Allen has been a contributing writer for, OfNote Magazine, and His work has been featured in the City Paper, The Baltimore Sun, Bethesda Magazine, The Examiner, and The Washington Post. Yes, he wrote this bio.