In the annals of obscure cinema, one action star reigns supreme - so much so that there is a new documentary that sheds light on the brilliance of...
Weng We...
OK, movie buffs! Have you seen the classic film where Richard Burton, when not sitting with a crow on his shoulder, seduces the world's most beautiful women...
"Tell him: Valdez is coming!"
When Burt Lancaster tells you something, HE MEANS IT. Lancaster was one of Hollywood's great leading men - noted for his athleti...
“The victory belongs to those peasants. Not to us.”
This line, from the 1960 western The Magnificent Seven, serves as a warning to anyone remaking an iconic ...
"You know what Chicago is? Chicago's a sick old sow, grunting for fresh cream, but all it deserves is slop. Some day they're gonna boil that town down for fat."...
Melanie Griffith has been in a number of great films, such as Working Girl - and a few that weren't so great, such as The Bonfire Of The Vanities - but she got ...
"Tell him I'm coming!"
With those words, Director Steven Soderbergh unleashes the fury of Terence Stamp in the 1999 thriller The Limey.
The Limey is...
If it's Wednesday, time to showcase another woman crush!
Actress Ann-Margret is an iconic Hollywood sex kitten, who got her big break in the 60's, when s...
"Did you know that me and Alan Ladd were exactly the same height?”
This iconic image is from Electra Glide In Blue, a classic action film from 1973 - the...
By John Rieber
One of Hollywood's veteran leading men was Rod Taylor - best known for this starring role in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" as well as the sci...