The toy, the mindset, and the symbolism have been around for generations, and GI Joe's cultural endurance continues to personify the fighting American ideal. I'...
5: Battle : Los Angeles – A decent movie, not a great movie.
Hello All,
I saw BATTLE : Los Angeles this weekend and wanted to shoot out a quick review/opi...
This movie --- oh, this movie! I first saw this on the Sci-Fi Channel (no, I will never call it “Sy-Fy”) back in the early 90s. Needless to say, it blew...
This movie, for all its flaws (which are many) is a gem of the eighties. Personally, I remember watching this movie when I was a child. Specifically, I rememb...
Number One...Let Me Tell You How This Is Going Down...
Here it is...numero uno. The first and definitely not the only. And I guess I have some explaining to...