The annual comic and pop culture Mecca known as Comic Con International recently wrapped up in San Diego. Aside from the usual celebrity sightings, panels about...
Filming for Justice League, Zack Snyder's follow-up to his superhero grudge match, has just wrapped. How do we know this? Was is it leaked wrap party footage? A...
Ghost Rider is best known as a Marvel “gimmick” character with a remarkable amount of staying power. This is largely due to his iconic look. I mean, who can den...
Which member of The Avengers is the most badass? Would it be Hulk, with his bouts of rage-induced destruction? Or how about Iron Man, with his amazing suit of a...
Ghosts of past mistakes or poor choices can follow people around, figuratively, for as long as that guilt has power in their mind. For the title chara...
There's a pretty cool short video (below) making the rounds recently about the history of comic book films. It focuses on the shifting styles the they have util...
Marvel Studios burst onto the scene 8 years ago and changed not just how super hero movies are made, but how movie studios are run. The term "cinematic universe...